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Tik Tok At Home Date Night for When You’re Stuck Inside

I know things seem a little crazy right now in the world with the coronavirus going around. I don’t know about you but staying home seems like the best option to me at the moment to avoid the crazy, hectic-ness that is going on in the world right now and to stay healthy. So rather than look at the negative, make it a positive for a little R&R and to spend some time with our loved ones. This is an at home date night idea that anyone can do and it costs ZERO DOLLARS!!

Robin and I did this as our date night last week just because and it was one of the funniest date nights we have ever had. I mean we seriously couldn’t stop laughing. And now I am going to share some of that embarrassing video footage with you!! (I’ll link the youtube video as soon as I make it and put it up lol).

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What is Tik Tok?

So for anyone that doesn’t know yet, Tik Tok is a new video sharing app that is similar to Vine if you remember that..

It is a big, up and coming app that really got started with teens doing dance challenges and lip syncs. It has some really funny wholesome content that can make any bad mood change around and makes me laugh so hard!

I especially love the animal videos.

The app is starting to mature upwards with quick recipe videos, comedy stints and more showing up every day.

How Do I Sign Up for Tik Tok?

It is a completely FREE app that you simply download from the app store on your phone.

Then you sign up for an account on the app or using facebook login and you’re in! It is that easy.

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Tik Tok Date Night

So now you are signed up with the app and ready to go. Start by scrolling through the feed for a few minutes to get a feel for it. While you are scrolling save any videos that stand out to you, any videos you may want to recreate (hint hint), or anything you find especially funny.

Tik Tok makes for the perfect at home date idea. Not only is it a completely free date night but it will have you laughing all night long. So if you are stuck inside and need ideas on what to do while stuck inside then this is the perfect idea for you.

How to save a Tik Tok video: you simply hold down one finger on the screen while the video is playing. A small menu will pop up with three options. You can either “Save video”, this will save the video to your phone. Or you can “Add to Favorites” which saves it in the app. You can find your favorited videos by going to your profile page, you’ll see three buttons “edit profile, instagram symbol and a bookmark symbol”. Click on the bookmark symbol and there are all your favorited videos.

Tik Tok makes for the perfect at home date idea. Not only is it a completely free date night but it will have you laughing all night long. So if you are stuck inside and need ideas on what to do while stuck inside then this is the perfect idea for you.

Next, go back through the videos you saved and pick a few favorites.

Now for your date night you will each recreate the videos that you chose! Whether you actually post them to Tik Tok or not make sure you record it. It is important to record yourselves so that you can watch them back together and laugh at yourselves doing crazy things.

Keep recording yourselves until you’re happy with your videos. This could involve learning a new dance, creating a video to a lip synced sound or recreating a hilarious video.

Most importantly just have fun and laugh at yourselves! It feels so good to let your guard down and just have fun after a stressful day or week.

At Home Date Night Extras

If you want to make the date night extra special you can:

  • Make a special treat for the night (these no bake cookies are easy and delicious)
  • Do dinner and Tik Tok
  • Get Friends and/or Family involved

Tik Tok at Home Date Night

I know this sounds silly (my husband thought so too when I first brought it up) but we had a blast laughing the night away just spending time with each other away from screens. Well other that the camera screen that is!

Make sure to follow me on Tik Tok to see the videos we recreated on our date night plus so much more! My account name is @rachelscraftedlife. And if you comment on one of my videos with a butterfly emoji (so I know you’re from the blog) then I’ll follow you back so I can see what you create!

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