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4 Reasons to do Your Nails at Home

I want to just shout this from the roof tops: Do your nails at home! I love getting my nails done. Especially with gel polish because it lasts weeks longer than normal nail polish in my experience. But, I hate the price tag that comes with going to a salon. That is why I have traditionally saved getting my nails done for special occasions like prom, my wedding, and big vacations!

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So when a friend told me she does her own nails at home I knew I had to try it for myself! So lets get to it! These are the 4 reasons I’ve come up with that we should all start doing our nails at home.

Doing your nails at home

#1: Save Money

So this was the initial reason I looked into doing my own nails at home, that’s because it’s so true! If you spend $30-$35 dollars on your nails on the low end then the initial cost for the lamp set is paid for in one use! If you add extra colors like I did then it takes two nail salon visits to pay for itself but that is still so worth it to me!

I would estimate that with this set you’ll easily get at least 50-100 uses out of the polishes all together. That adds up to $3,500 saved! That is SO MUCH MONEY!

I think that receiving extra polish colors as gifts for christmas, birthdays, etc is a great way to grow your collection and variety without too much investment or added cost to you.

#2: Get Your Nails Done, Anytime, Anywhere

Have you ever wanted to get your nails done at 9 or even 8 at night but everywhere is closed? Well NO MORE!!! Now you’re free to do your nails at night after dinner. Or even in the morning while drinking your morning coffee (hot chocolate for me!).

If you’re short on time before leaving on a trip or before a special occasion this cuts out drive time. Or, heck, just pack it in your suitcase and do your nails in the hotel. The lamp and supplies are definitely small enough to come with you. So now you can do your nails at home, or wherever you’re currently calling home!

Save money by doing your nails at home
Bracelets are handmade and on sale on Etsy from The Blushing Magnolia!

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#3: Girls Night Anyone?

Invite your girl friends over, turn on The Bachelor. Don’t forget the snacks and get your nails done while catching up!

Need I say more?

You can have a fun mommy/daughter date night! Invite the aunts and cousins over and get some good chatting in. You could even let your daughters invite a friend over and do their nails for them. The possibilities for bonding and fun are endless!

#4: Watch TV, While Doing Your Nails

IDK about you, but when I go into the nail salon and you’re sitting there, the ladies are talking and it always feels like they’re talking about you. I feel rude putting head phones in so I end up sitting there bored.

So a huge benefit of doing your nails at home? Now you can just flip the TV on to your favorite show or turn up your favorite podcast and get your nails done! Its the perfect time for a little self care or self love. So set aside a little you time get your nails done and catch up on This is Us.

Getting Started with Pro Nails at Home

So first things first, you have to get the supplies. The gel set below is the exact one that I bought. I was SOO pleased with the lamp, plus it comes highly recommended. It also comes with buffers to rough up your nails, 4 polish colors, and several other supplies that were surprising extras. I also purchased an extra set of polish colors because I wanted white and I really liked the pinks.

I’ve linked a few other color sets for you so you can pick the one that speaks to you! This all comes from Amazon so of course you’ll get it in 2 days!

There are so many lamps to choose from out there. You can get a budget one that will get the job done but I can’t speak to their longevity or the strength of their UV light.

There is the middle ground option which is where I went, it won’t break the bank but it is reliable and has been really great for me so far.

And then there are the upper end options, some can be pretty pricey but might be worth the extra money if you can afford it and if you feel it is a high enough priority.

Do Your Nails at Home vs A Salon

Now you can do your thing! Just rough up your nails slightly because that helps the polish bond with your nails. Then follow the instructions on the box and make sure you do the top and bottom coats. One thing to note that caught me off guard is that even after you put your nails under the lamp the polish will still feel tacky until after the top coat. Just keep going, you do not need to stick your fingers under the lamp until it feels hard and dry. So make sure you buy yours today!

Alright I think that is everything! If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comments or shoot me an email! Check out my thrifted outfit blog posts to keep reading or try my favorite recipe!

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Kimmy Mason

    Love this! Doing my own nails has saved me a lot of money over the years. and those polish colors are gorgeous!

    1. Rachel

      Right! I wish I had known about this ages ago. But at least I know haha. Thanks for reading <3

  2. Stacy

    I’ve always done my nails at home. A couple of times I did them at a salon before a few weddings, but that was a special treat. I’ve never tried gel nails at home, but I started using Color Street nail strips and I love them!

    1. Rachel

      That’s awesome! I wish I would’ve been doing my nails at home for a lot longer. I don’t love regular polish because of how quickly it chips. I’ve tried strips once and I thought they were alright. Gel is my favorite though, maybe you’ll have to try it 😉

  3. Yes!! I do my nails at home for many of the same reasons! I also like that at home I get to choose the brand of polish – I like using ones with non-toxic ingredients!

    1. Rachel

      That is a great reason to do your nails at home that I hadn’t even thought of! Do you have any brands you recommend??

  4. Angela Defreitas

    Yes! I love to do my own nails at home! I buy my Gel nail polish on Amazon too! Thank you!

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